
Med LJUS och VÄRME skrider Hon fram genom Midvinterns mörka tid.
Med GENEROSITET och KÄRLEK sprider Hon sitt vackra budskap i gryningens timma.
Med VÄN stämma och BLID blick förmedlar Hon tro på glädje och hopp.
Det är VACKERT att se på, det är VACKERT att höra på.
Med nybryggt kaffe och med en varm, fluffig pläd njuter jag av skådespelet uppkrupen i soffan.
Det är TRADITION det !
Trolda - Traditional.
Ha en underbarbar luciadag =)
Jag hade nästan glömt bort att det är lucia idag. Sabla väder!
Hoppas du haft en jättemysig dag!
Hoppas du haft en jätte mysig luciadag! och jag håller med, de är så vackert!
Tack ska ni ha, och detsamma till er!
Och inte hänga läpp nu..."Efter regn kommer sol"...=)
Trolda - pure sunshine!
Lucia är den finaste tiden.
Tradition? Den ar inte direkt urarldrig...1928 namns som startdatum.
Santa Lucia in Sweden
On the 13th of December a statue of Santa Lucia will be carried around the city of Syracusa. Santa Lucia is the patron of Syracusa. Why Santa Lucia is celebrated in Sweden? Santa Lucia was murdered long time ago, during 300 B.C. when Diocletianus led the Roman Empire. He hated Christians and that time being a Christian in the Roman Empire was forbidden.
Lucia was rich and beautiful. She was also engaged to a young man. But both herself and her mother were secretly Christians. When her mother got ill, they went to a Santa Augustas grave for prayers. Santa Augusta appeared, telling both women that her mother should be cured from her disease. Lucia then promised to give away all her money to thank to God. Her boyfriend could not accept this. He betrayed her and the city-guard in Syracusa came to arrest her. This was on 13th of December. Nobody in city-guard could however kill her. But her boyfriend did it with a sward through her neck. Since Lucia had put out her eyes before she was killed, and a lot of wonders occurred in connection of her death, she became a martyr and was later canonized. She is now the Saint for the blinds.
In the Middle Age Sweden belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and Santa Lucia had the 13th of December as her own day, but she wasn't especially well known by the people.
On the 13th of December there was a special day for "Lusse" celebrated since ages. Lusse was the name of the devil and on the longest night of the year - everyone was afraid of him. This day was also the last day before the Christmas fast. People then ate a lot and of course there was a lot of drinking. It was "Lusse-night".
Something new happened in the 1920-ies. A Swedish singer was on a holiday in Neaples. He saw all street- names, restaurants and hotels named after Lucia. He also heard a special fisherman' song and he now, thanks to the song, got an idea to make the Lucia- celebration more respectable. The song got a new text in Swedish- connected to Lucia. In 1928 a newspaper announced a competition "Who will be Santa Lucia of Sweden?" This was the starting point for a new annual celebration. Since then, every year we appoint "Sweden' Lucia".
Vi kan blogga igen!
Ja, men det var väl fint Cadial, så vet vi DET...Och TRADITIONEN som åsyftades var faktiskt MIN alldeles egna tradition uppkrupen i soffan...Och för mig BLIR det sannerligen en tradition med tanke på ålder och tillfällen. Så som allt är ju saker och ting relativt, både vad gäller Lucia och soffsittandet!
Och JA, nu kan vi blogga igen, härligt!
Trolda - med traditioner!
Ok. da laser jag texten i nytt ljus nu, privat lusseljus. Jag har ocksa en massa egna traditioner, som ofta lyser mycket starkare an de som kyrka och stat alltid forsoker pracka pa oss under namnet tradition.